hi guys!
hope you are all enjoying your week so far! there was a notice in the pdx etsy group conversation that a
website has been set up to coordinate the
june event. anyone who has
emailed them to say they're interested is on there, i believe. if you haven't done that, but are interested in being involved in the event, i suggest you do so asap.
to log into the site the username is your etsy username/shop name and the password is pdxetsy. they want us to post a comment that we're checking in so they can see who all has done it. when you're in the message screen click on people at the upright corner and you'll be able to change your first name to your real first name (leave your last name as your user/shop name), update your email, and add a photo.
here is the info posted about the event, for everyone to use on flyers etc:
Etsy Art & Craft Summer Sale
PSU South Park Blocks
SW Park Avenue between SW Market & Jackson Streets
Portland OR 97205
Saturday, June 9th, 7am to 5pm - 40+ Vendors
Sponsored by PSU Women's Studies Department
and the "Walk of Heroines
**let me know if you have any questions! wren :)