Saturday, March 10, 2007

New Meeting scheduled!

Ok everyone, the votes are in and it looks like thursdays are our best bet! So with everything that were trying to plan lately we would like to meet on
Thursday, March 15th @ 6:30 pm at World Cafe

I really hope alot of us can make it because we are going to be talking about buttons, our flyers that we've already started to put up and also crafty wonderland trying to set up carpools and possibly booth sharing. So please try and make it if you want to be a part of this. :D


Anonymous said...

I will be there! Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I am flying to a funeral that day, and will be gone for a few weeks, so unfortunately I can't be there. But I do still want to help out after I get back, maybe I can arrange to pick up some flyers and post them around campus before I leave, since I'm there most days. Thanks for everything you're doing, organizing crafters is probably a little like herding cats. :)

EugeneEtsy said...

Sorry to hear that peoplesrepublic. No worries, we know you want to help and be a part of things. Just let us know when your back and we'll plan another meeting. Your last coment about herding cats almost made me spew coffee all over my computer ;) lol Thanks for the morning laugh. Let me know if theres anything we can do for you!

Beadid glad to see youll be there!!


Kiley said...

I'll be there... World cafe on Blair?

EugeneEtsy said...

Yup on blair :D see ya there!

Crye said...

of course I'll be there (remember I have no life).