Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just a few things...

Some of us will be going up to Portland next month to participate in the Portland Etsy Craft Fair and it would be nice if we could promote Eugene Etsy as a whole. So, for the members that are going, we need to meet and get organized. I have volunteered to put together a fabric banner for us to use at the show. Each member will make their own square to represent their shop. The way I have it visualized is that we will have a base banner which will say "Eugene Etsy Street Team" at the top and we will attached everyone's square (but not permanently). That way we can use the banner for other shows when others participate. Any suggestions on this would be welcome.

Another thing is that it would be nice to have the postcards available to hand out at the show. Also, for members that are not participating, I would be happy to hand out business cards, promos, whatever with your shop address on it...to promote traffic to your shops, too. If you'd like to give me promos for the show, just convo me. Speaking of promos, I am completely out of promos to send out with packages. Yay! I've actually been selling stuff....which is exciting. So, if anyone wants to give me promos to send out in packages, that would be awesome,too.

Now, about the postcards. If there are members who have not made it to any meetings, but are still interested in having your shop featured on the postcard, please post here. We would like to get as many members involved as possible and I know that with busy schedules, it's hard to get to meetings. But, you can also be involved here...on the blog. So, speak up and let us know that you are interested!

So, I guess what we/I need to know is do we want to schedule a meeting for all members regarding the postcards, promo items, etc.? We do have a couple new folks that are interested in being involved, so it might be nice to meet sometime. And, next....for folks going to Portland, do we want to meet and get things organized? We still need to figure out lodging....ugh.

Any comments or items I missed, please don't hesitate to comment here. And, please don't be shy. Everyone is welcome to post on the blog.



Wren said...

great post pam!

i would like to get together soon- we only have a little over 2 1/2 weeks till the show- if i'm counting right. that means it's definitely time to start postering and planning. it would also be nice to touch base with everyone else (those who aren't going, and newbies) since summer seems to be a busy craft season.

i could, and would prefer, to meet tomorrow (thursday as usual) if it's not too short of notice. starting this weekend my life will be madness and it will be hard to find a time for me to get together. friday after 7 would also work for me- or maybe over the weekend.

i would say that if we want to hand postcards out at the show we need to order them asap so they're here on time. i think people have had ample opportunity to get in on them...

Courtney and Molly said...

So tomorrow works for me. But Wren tomorrow is wednesday (you said thursday in your post?). Is that still good for you?
My life is already madness so any days off are rare. Not to mention Thursday is my birthday so wednesday is perfect.
I also agree on the postcard thing. We already have the images of the old postcards and everyone that was interested then posted. I know I wont have any time to create a new postcard. let me know wren you have my ohone number if you need to get a hold of me :)

Crye said...

Wed, Thur, or Fri, anytime is good.

Crye said...

just wondering if the meeting is on Thursday or on Friday. I'll bring more bubble mailers for anyone interested.

Wren said...

today- same place, same time- i think?

i'd love more bubble mailers!

pso Design said...

Okay...I'll be there.

Kiley said...

Eek short notice but I'll try to make it.